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FAQs about Starting a Camp

More information about launching 
Summer Camp in Your Community

We’ve listed a few questions and answers below to give you more information about our innovative programs!

What is the cost to license a program?

The cost to license Startup Summer Camp depends on how you plan to run the program and the frequency of the camps.  Contact us or FILL OUT THIS FORM and we’ll put together customized pricing for you. We can base our pricing on one time use, multi-time use or unlimited use.  All materials are accessible through our website through your personalized camp account.

I need instructors for my camp, can you help?

We can!  Our team can help you run (and teach) the program, or we can help you build a great team!

Our curriculum training program comes with a full license, or can be added to other license opportunities.  

I need some help putting together company visits, can you help?


I am not based in the United States and would like to host a program. Is this possible?

We are excited to offer our program globally.  Currently all of our material is in English, but if you’d like we can discuss translating our materials for your use.  

If you are based in a country where English is not your primary language, we’ve found that the English version is a great tool for learning English business language and that a strong knowledge of the English language will help students become multilingual global citizens.  We’ve run programs for students from Brazil and Mexico in English and have added additional English classes to the curriculum. We can help you set up supplemental English classes too.